** Damnit, browser SNAFU! Sorry for multiple posts! **
Anyway -
I've got an existing com interface which I need to implement, the
caller passes a conformant array of variants to the callee -
HRESULT Call([in, size_is(nargs)] VARIANT * pargs, [in] long nargs,
[out, retval] VARIANT * pretVar)
Have several existing C++ com servers which implement this, but I'd
like to implement it in .NET. (Specifically F#, but any .net language
will do for a start ;) )
The interop assembly interface (which I need to implement to get the
QIs generated for me) ends up looking like
object Call( ref object pargs, int nargs)
which isn't too surprising, but not too useful.
Any idea if this is achievable?
Post by lab27Hi all,
I've got an existing com interface which I need to implement - the
caller passes a conformant array of variants to the callee
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