Can I create a COM server with just C# 4.0 ?
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NN Ott
2011-02-11 15:28:37 UTC

I don't know much about COM or C++, so perhaps these are silly

1) Without resorting C++/ATL wrapper program, can I make an out-of-
process C#/.net 4.0 application that's callable via COM from
traditional COM clients? (I don't need to call in to COM. Only to be

2) Is there anything new in .NET 4.0 that would make this easier vs.

3) The tutorials I can find all seem to assume a strong working
knowledge of C++/ATL. Does anyone know of a resource that only
assumes C# knowledge?

Thank you
2011-02-17 13:38:37 UTC
One way is to create a COM shim over .NET remoting that accomplishes
such functionality. That way you only really need to COM-enable the
C# client library that exposes the methods you want to be callable,
and then that library forwards them to the out-of-process .NET server
via Remoting (or other .NET communication technology of your choice).
Post by NN Ott
I don't know much about COM or C++, so perhaps these are silly
1) Without resorting C++/ATL wrapper program, can I make an out-of-
process C#/.net 4.0 application that's callable via COM from
traditional COM clients?   (I don't need to call in to COM. Only to be
2) Is there anything new in .NET 4.0 that would make this easier vs.
3) The tutorials I can find all seem to assume a strong working
knowledge of C++/ATL.  Does anyone know of a resource that only
assumes C# knowledge?
Thank you