15 years ago
I'm not a very experienced programmer but experienced enough to find out the
only way I could use a com dll supplied by a third party is to edit the
passed parameter type.
In VS2008 I get this...
COMLIB.Decompressor.Decompress(int, ref sbyte) has some invalid arguments...
The function in C++ looks like this :
long Decompress(long lDataLen, signed char * pData)
The function for the dissambled dll looks like this :
Decompress([in] int32 lDataLen,
[in] int8& pData) runtime managed internalcall
What should I put as a parameter, I know I have to change it.
SDK Declaration is like this.
SDK text ****************************************
HRESULT Decompress()
[in] long lDataLen
[in,size_is(DataLen)] char * pData
[out,retval] SHORT * peResult
This is called to provide compressed data to this NtlxDecompressor object.
The frame probably got to you via the INtlxDirectClientCallback::OnLiveVideo
of the _INtlxDirectClientEvents::OnLiveVideo event.
NOTE:Those events pass a "long" that is really a byte pointer, so use that
in the event handler; do not save those values for later.
I believe I should change the parameter to Sbyte, I don't feel secure, I'll
need someone to guide me.
only way I could use a com dll supplied by a third party is to edit the
passed parameter type.
In VS2008 I get this...
COMLIB.Decompressor.Decompress(int, ref sbyte) has some invalid arguments...
The function in C++ looks like this :
long Decompress(long lDataLen, signed char * pData)
The function for the dissambled dll looks like this :
Decompress([in] int32 lDataLen,
[in] int8& pData) runtime managed internalcall
What should I put as a parameter, I know I have to change it.
SDK Declaration is like this.
SDK text ****************************************
HRESULT Decompress()
[in] long lDataLen
[in,size_is(DataLen)] char * pData
[out,retval] SHORT * peResult
This is called to provide compressed data to this NtlxDecompressor object.
The frame probably got to you via the INtlxDirectClientCallback::OnLiveVideo
of the _INtlxDirectClientEvents::OnLiveVideo event.
NOTE:Those events pass a "long" that is really a byte pointer, so use that
in the event handler; do not save those values for later.
I believe I should change the parameter to Sbyte, I don't feel secure, I'll
need someone to guide me.